Fumagazzi SquadraCorse

Italian for “Racing Team”

Acid green, like the biles your enemies will spit when you burn them passing by. Nobody can surpass you on the straight line between the police station and the pub, nobody dares to challenge you at the dangerous u-turn under the railways. So you can show off a wheelie through the finish line (that means in front of the girl’s college bus stop).

Sun shade cover in carbon-fiber texture: because even if you’re riding a Piaggio Moped, a Fumagazzi Ironwork MUST HAVE light alloy components and carbon-fiber exhaust.

It sports a “SOLO PER BRAVI RAGAZZI” motto on the front wing, just to make it very clear. We wanted it to be written left-to-right, like ECNALUBMA, but you’re staying in the other folks’ rear view mirror for a fraction of a second, it’s useless.

FUMAGAZZI mark on both sides, so that people can read clearly the brand name that matches your charme, while they bite your dust.

Powerful and opulent “Cactus tridentis” on both the forehead and the rear, one inch over the exhaust, just to clear the way from any doubt.


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Confezione Regalo

Pacco regalo (10,00)

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Fumagazzi SquadraCorse

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Confezione Regalo

Pacco regalo (10,00)